Just passing by also made the two German pilots see each other’s identity clearly. Under the restriction of the German-American Non-Aggression Treaty on South American Battlefield, they can’t do anything about these four planes painted with the American military logo at present, but seeing the American military aircraft closely following, two experienced German pilots also guessed the other’s attempt. After communicating through gestures, the two German fighters suddenly swung their wings to a big arc and one turned to the left and the other to the south.
When wilhelmsson and his pilots saw this, they secretly snickered at the fact that two German planes were at a disadvantage in number. Now they actually chose to break up two planes to fly in formation, so four American planes chased each other towards their goals as planned, but the pursuit was just beginning, and the confidence and fighting spirit of American pilots decreased a little bit, because the opposition was too fast!
Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the other side, wilhelmsson and his wingman took the tactics of flanking each other so as to intercept each other when the other side turned and chase another German plane. American pilots soon adopted the same tactics.
After flying in a straight line for nearly 10 kilometers, the two German planes turned successively, but instead of falling into the American double-plane interception tactics, they bit an American fighter plane by changing directions continuously, and they gradually narrowed the distance between them.
Turn sharply, climb, dive and roll. wilhelmsson fighter made a series of dazzling moves. But when he looked back, the German fighter was still following closely, but his wingman was far behind. When he turned again and planned to meet the wingman, a roar of motivation approached very close. The German plane flew abruptly from more than ten meters behind him. If this happened in the war, I’m afraid the landline had already been riddled with bullets by the other side.
In just half an hour, four American fighters and two German fighters competed fiercely in the battle, which was not only a battle of wits for pilots, but also a performance competition for fighters. For several rounds, Americans had to admit that they had fallen into the wind in front of the Germans. Finally, wilhelmsson and his team returned to the base with limited fuel, and the two German fighters followed closely until they approached the US airport before turning around and returning.
Later, wilhelmsson wrote in his report that we encountered two German fighter planes with very advanced design, less maneuverability at 200 kilometers and a very long first-class range, but so far their firepower and defense are not.
Wilhelmsson didn’t know that the two German fighters had each thrown a smooth streamlined auxiliary fuel tank at the firepower of six 792mm machine guns before approaching them. In terms of the defense ability of instantly tearing a wooden skin plane to pieces, Dr. Cox and Dr. henkel joined forces to make this Cox-henkel D fighter succeed the vulture D, and the second metal army aircraft was also a wide metal and conventional monoplane fighter.
Tu Mei Chapter sixty-seven Jedi 1919
Yokohama, September 9, 1919
The summer heat is still there. Tens of millions of people crowded the docks with plaster flags. Almost all of them are women, children and the elderly, but there are also soldiers, young people and even foreigners.
Huge cruise ships such as Asahi Maru, Fusang Maru, Fujimaru, Asumaru and Na Zhi Maru are moored close to the dock, which are scheduled cruise ships sailing from Japan to Europe and the United States, as well as German giant cruise ships "Motherland" and "Germany" sailing to and from Europe and Asia, which are already full of rifles and Japanese soldiers. Some large cargo ships are parked further away from the dock, and there are more than 20 masts.
The dockside military band is playing Jundai and Warship March with tears to say goodbye to women everywhere. In this background, ships full of troops and materials are sailing out of the harbor one after another in the whistle, and the battleships Fusang, Shancheng, battle cruiser Kirishima, armored battleships Tsukuba and Ikoma, the main forces of the second team of the Japanese fleet, are outside Yokohama Port.
Two months ago, after traveling for more than half a year, Emperor Taihirohito finally returned to his own country, which was warmly welcomed by the people and did not bring him a happy mood, because he just landed and got bad news from the palace, and Emperor Taishō’s condition deteriorated again.
Although this is expected, Hirohito still feels guilty because he traveled abroad for half a year instead of filial piety before his illness collapsed. On the other hand, he is sure that his trip has been fruitful, and he will consider the future exhibition direction by visiting his own country in Europe and America.
When Hirohito returned to Tokyo, he waited for him to be the throne of Regent.
According to the unanimous decision of the royal family meeting and the Privy Council meeting, Hirohito took the place of the sick Emperor Taishō as a regent at noon, and he became the first regent in modern times. Since then, Hirohito has actually taken over a country with a population of 56oo, which is at the forefront of the world and has the inherent "sacred" power of the emperor.
Hirohito’s first military order after assuming the Regent was to enlist ocean-going cruise ships and cargo ships and form the backbone task force of the 2nd Team of the 1st Fleet to escort the 10th Division of Himeji to South America. The commander of the fleet was vice admiral, who fell in love with the Prince of Gongbo Palace.
At the beginning of September, the Japanese Admiralty levied five transoceanic cruise ships and 26 large cargo ships on the order of the Regent, and the German government also leased two ocean-going cruise ships to Yokohama, Japan. In this way, the 10 th Division, with more than 15ooo officers and men, set foot on the road to America.
At the same time, the war situation in South America is quietly changing like the local season.
At the end of September, Leto Yifu K and his troops finally returned to Chile. During the nearly three-month harassment war, the public security situation in Argentina was in chaos, and the economic and industrial development suffered unimaginable losses. The strategic deployment was completely disrupted. Leto Yifu K, known as the "general loach", was quickly promoted. As a result, the East African colonial division under his command became famous in World War I, and more than 3ooo African soldiers were awarded medals and awards. From January 1, 192o, they will officially obtain German citizenship.
In the north, although the Brazilian-American Coalition forces have entered Peru, the Peruvian government deeply feels that it has tried its best to fight again in the case of the fall of Lima and the blockade and continuous shelling of the coast by the enemy. The people and the army strongly demand that the Peruvian government declare the armistice of the Chilean alliance on September 2o, and the negotiations of the anti-intellectual alliance have irrevocably collapsed after the Peruvian government was promised to retain most of its territory and signed a formal armistice agreement with the Chilean alliance on the 27th.
After entering Peru, the Brazilian and American troops returned to Brazil. At this time, only the weak Bolivia in the northern front was still struggling to support it. Although it received a lot of aid from Pakistani and American weapons through the border of Bolivia-Pakistan-6, Bolivia, after all, had a small population of several million and less than 10,000 regular troops. Bolivia collapsed in front of the Chilean regiment and the German dispatch troops.
On November 3, the Chilean League encouraged and cooperated with Bolivian soldiers to carry out a military coup. Most members of the former government were arrested. When Bolivia entered the martial government, the new pro-intellectual government immediately announced that the Chilean League ceased fighting. Soon after, the two sides signed a peace treaty. Bolivia’s withdrawal made the anti-intellectual alliance only one step away from falling apart.
On November 10, after a long journey of two months, the task force arrived in Chile and Canada. The armored cruisers "Rijin" and "Chunri", which had come from Tahiti team to participate in the war, were stationed in South America, and their military strength was not inferior to that of the United States and Germany. At the same time, the main force of Chile’s 1 ST Regiment returned to northern Chile to rest and actively prepare for the attack on Argentina. At this time, the total number of troops sent by Germany to South America has reached 70,000, of which two-thirds are African colonial soldiers.
Exclusive text can not be transcribed without permission. Please visit the latest and fastest chapters! On November 2nd, during the second Peca Triangle Campaign, more than 4oo cannons were fired, which quickly suppressed the firepower of the northern Argentine regiment. More than 100 fighters firmly grasped the control and violently bombed the ground targets in Argentina. After a noon shelling, 120,000 soldiers of the Chilean Coalition forces pushed into Argentina from 1 pm, and 120,000 Japanese troops became the Asian troops in the South American battlefield.
Despite being supported by two Brazilian divisions, the Argentines were at a disadvantage in terms of quantity and equipment morale, but they still failed to hold their positions. Under the command of coach Aleandro, the Argentine Northern Corps gave up the retreat on the northern border. Unfortunately, their second line of defense only lasted for two days, and the Argentine army collapsed, and the northern two provinces-Jujuy and Salta-were left to the Chilean Coalition forces.
Fortunately for the argentines, the Andes seriously affected the logistics supply of the Chilean allied forces, and after more than half a year of continuous fighting, the Chilean allied forces finally slowed down their pace of advancement after advancing to Tucumá n province in the north-central part of Argentina. Although the fertile pampas grassland was close at hand, the Chilean allied forces finally chose to stop and rest and wait for supplies. The South American Six War entered a short truce in December.
On the sea, the navies of both sides are brewing the largest naval battle.
Since the defeat of the first sea war, the Brazilian navy has once again performed the scene that the British colony changed its fleet during the American government’s support for emergency replenishment ships. Brazilians opened a large amount of gold to buy American government military supplies and ordered a batch of cruisers and submarines by installment. By December, the Brazilian navy had regained a fleet containing 3 battleships, 5 cruisers and more than 20 light warships, of which 19o was ordered from Britain. Grice and Sao Paulo, which were injured by German submarines at the beginning of the war, have recovered from their injuries. Santa Taran was formerly the South Carolina-class battleship Louisiana of the United States. According to the Washington Naval Treaty, this battleship was converted into a training ship after the battle of Arizona in the United States, and it was quietly sold to Brazilians after three months of modification.
Seeing that Brazil’s allies have been revived from the Americans, the navy hopes that the Argentines will not be outdone. On the one hand, they spent huge sums of money to order three new battleships and a dozen light ships from the Americans, on the other hand, they bought three offshore submarines from the exiled British government at a high price and hired the British to directly operate them.
Large orders have made the naval shipyard on the east coast of the United States prosperous. Shipyard owners are counting the windfall of the war and expecting that the South American war will be fought as long as possible. It is best for all warring countries to come to the United States to order ships. Unfortunately, the explosion of the South American naval battle at the end of December ruined their dreams. For the Chilean Coalition forces, it is time to fight for the first world war.
On the evening of December 26th, the German alert submarine u4o2 lurking in the northern waters of Brazil now has a fleet from north to south. The shape of several large warships is particularly obvious. The tall masts, chimneys, thick hulls and long barrels are clearly visible. Because there are nearly 3o light ships escorting u4o2 guards in the other fleet, they did not attack but returned the news to the German special headquarters in Chile.
After verifying the information, the Chilean, German and Japanese naval generals got together for a short meeting and reached an agreement. After that, the allied fleet with 7 battleships, 2 battle cruiser, 2 aircraft carriers, 7 cruisers, 22 destroyers and 15 large minesweepers set sail from Valparaiso, the first military port in Chile!
After nightfall, the fleet from the north temporarily lost its trace, but the commander of the allied fleet knew very well that the fleet must have come from the enemy. Not surprisingly, the main force of the fleet was Brazilians and Americans
Just as the allied fleet is sailing to the east coast of South America, the commanders of German and Japanese fleets are also in contact with the emergency countries, because they are likely to encounter a fleet containing American ships. Once they fight, they will be afraid to attack American warships by mistake, which will give Brazilians a chance.
That night, the heads of Germany and Japan called an emergency meeting respectively and exchanged views with each other through their ambassadors. It was not until 6 am the next day that the heated debate came to an end. The two countries decided to jointly issue a diplomatic ultimatum to the United States to ask the American ship to withdraw from the fleet, or they would bear the consequences.
Soon, Germany and Japan received a reply from the US government. There were indeed American warships in the fleet, but they would not leave the fleet until the end of the battle, without hurting the Chilean German and Japanese ships. Instead, they asked Germany and Japan to withdraw their ships from the Coalition fleet.
"This means that the US government is determined to help the anti-intelligence alliance recapture the sea, and it is also their biggest bet in the South American war, which will determine the world situation!"
Berlin, Tokyo, Chentian, Hirohito expressed similar feelings in the same afternoon. For a long time, the conflict between the Allies and the United States has been deliberately avoided by the three major powers, but the conflict of interest in fire nation will sooner or later explode before the agreement. Germany and Japan have successively told their fleets to forget the South American battlefield non-aggression treaty and will try their best to send the anti-intelligence alliance fleet to the bottom of the sea
At noon on the 27th, a Chilean cruiser fleet encountered a Brazilian-American joint fleet in the Gulf of San Matthias. In just 15 minutes of fighting, a Chilean cruiser and two destroyers were sunk, and only one fast cruiser escaped from the battlefield with injuries. At the same time, the joint fleet had sailed through strait of magellan and entered the eastern waters of South America.
At about 9 o’clock, the German submarine u4o5 was patrolling near the Bay of San Matthias. Now the anti-intelligence alliance fleet continued to sail south. This time, it seems that there are more warships flying the Argentine flag in the fleet.
Two hours later, another Chilean fleet, which was responsible for blocking the coast of Argentina, encountered a powerful anti-intelligence alliance fleet. This time, the Chileans slipped quickly, and the alliance fleet was a large-caliber naval gun, which strengthened its power.
After entering the waters of the Grand Bay, the German carrier ships Zeppelin and Lisa both sent reconnaissance planes to search for the traces of the enemy fleet. The first batch of six albatross reconnaissance planes formed a sector with a width of 30 nautical miles to search northward.
A quarter of an hour later, the second batch of six "Hummingbird" combat reconnaissance planes pounced on the northeast sea of the fleet with the same wide sector.
Grande Bay is less than 200 nautical miles away from San Matthias Bay, where the current Alliance fleet appeared before.
Before the reconnaissance plane is now the alliance fleet, the Coalition fleet has made the final adjustment.
The Chilean battleships Cochrane and Santiago, the German battleships King Albert and Kai 2, and the Japanese battleships Fusang and Shancheng formed a fleet and went out to 20 nautical miles in front of the aviation formation and prepared for the battle. The Chilean battleship caldera, the German cruisers Bayreuther and Fran? ois, the British king cruisers Scotland and London, and the first and second destroyers in the fleet guarded around the two German aircraft carriers. German patrol Devlinger, Japanese patrol Kirishima, armored battleships Tsukuba and Ikoma, Chilean cruisers Cordillera and Jonos Islands form a fast guerrilla fleet waiting for orders in the northeast of the aircraft carrier formation and the southeast of the battleship team.
At 2: 25 p.m., the No.3 reconnaissance plane took off from the Zeppelin, and now there is an alliance fleet from the north, including 7 battleships, 12 cruisers and 19 destroyers, and several submarines. These ships have been pieced together, and Brazil and Argentina have almost done their best. Even Uncle Sam has joined himself in the South American Sea Power Department. The only disappointment of the Coalition fleet is that Americans have not taken out their most precious and mysterious aircraft carriers so far.
Tu Mei Chapter 60 Weird tactics
Wan Liyun on a sunny day.
Several fishing seabirds fly close to the clear blue sea, and once they show their targets, they will attack in a flash.