There are actually a few people with such determination, which is why there are so few successful people in this world.
But on the other hand, if this world is like this, where can life be different?
Everyone lives the same life. Isn’t it too boring? Isn’t it like dragging out an ignoble existence? If so, what’s that point?
"What do you think? I gave you a gift and this meal didn’t cost you anything today!" XuanYuanQi desert a face of smile looked at xin, asked with a smile.
When I heard the word "gift", I was really grateful to Xuanyuan Qimo. It was really touching that he was so intentional to send Qingxuan back to think about Xin.
"Ha ha satisfied satisfied satisfied very satisfied" thought xin, eyes looked at XuanYuanQi desert heart said with a smile.
Although I am grateful, there is no need to say it. After all, it is good to keep some things in mind.
For Si Xin, she is not a person who is good at expressing her feelings. She needs to remember and do everything silently.
In fact, at this point, I think Xin and Xuanyuan Qimo are very imaginative.
Perhaps it is because two people are somewhat similar in personality that they will come together!
Isn’t there a saying? Different ways, no common goal, no common goal, and insufficient friends, Xin and Xuanyuan Qi desert are probably the case!
But this world is also unclear. If you have to ask something about everything? Then you may be worried a lot, because you are unfamiliar, and everything can be expressed in words.
Besides, this statement is not necessarily true, and sometimes it depends on actual actions.
"Jiu Ge, did you send a gift to Si Xin? I’m not ready? You are too boring! " Hear XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi rain heart is not raised a jealousy some lightly chastising XuanYuanQi desert said
Hear this XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi indifferent condescension in the heart way is really a child even eat this vinegar.
"Qi Yu, you can’t say that. Am I not the best gift?" Looked at XuanYuanQi desert rain smile happily said
Hear this XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi rain in the heart very unhappy, thinking his Jiu Ge is too stingy and stingy to treat himself as a gift, he is really him.
"Jiu Ge you this also …" Looked at XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi rain some awkward.
What do you think of this Xuanyuanqi rain heart? How can you not know it?
"Thirteen younger brothers, don’t you think Jiu Ge can’t compare with those things?" XuanYuanQi desert so seriously looked at XuanYuanQi rain gherardini said.
A listen to XuanYuanQi desert said XuanYuanQi rain heart is a little difficult to think of yourself if it’s true, then he will definitely turn against Jiu Ge at once, and then it will be his bad luck.
Thought of here XuanYuanQi rain unknowingly some humbled yourself how to stand such a brother, alas, can silently sigh in my mind.
"Ha ha Jiu Ge, how can you think so? What about you, thirteen younger brother? Am I such a person? " Looked at XuanYuanQi rain a face of shan shan desert dozen ha ha said.
Hear XuanYuanQi rain this evasive words XuanYuanQi desert corners of the mouth unconsciously raised a proud radian.
In fact, XuanYuanQi desert knows XuanYuanQi rain, and so does XuanYuanQi desert.
But that’s what XuanYuanQi desert said. I know that XuanYuanQi rain speaks insincerely, but he just likes to see him.
"oh? Really? " XuanYuanQi desert continue to look at XuanYuanQi rain asks with a straight face.
Questioning XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi rain eminence can’t help but take up a cold sweat.
The most shameful thing about Xuanyuan Qi rain since childhood is Xuanyuan Qi desert, which is neither salty nor light. It looks unfathomable and makes people feel confused. No one knows what he thinks.
This XuanYuanQi desert makes XuanYuanQi rain feel a little uneasy.
"That’s true, Jiu Ge, just trust me!" XuanYuanQi rain a face of nervous looking at XuanYuanQi desert quickly replied for sure.
See XuanYuanQi rain so nervous XuanYuanQi desert feel it’s time to have a little discretion not to persecute him.
After all, this joke can be passed, but it can’t be passed, otherwise it will be boring and unpleasant once it passes that degree.
"Oh, well! Since you have made such a promise, I will believe it for the time being! " XuanYuanQi desert a face of smile looked at XuanYuanQi rain some reluctantly said
See XuanYuanQi desert this reluctantly XuanYuanQi rain can’t help but condescend in my heart. Jiu Ge, this is typical. It’s hard for him to kiss and tell.
See XuanYuanQi desert XuanYuanQi rain two people send interactive thinking xin, not funny in my heart, I didn’t expect to play around at ordinary times to jump XuanYuanQi rain is pressed by XuanYuanQi desert.
Hehe, this is really the saying that "everything has its vanquisher. Everything has its bittern. Point tofu." This XuanYuanQi desert is even the nemesis of XuanYuanQi rain.
I can’t help it. This is the way Xuanyuan Qimo and Xuanyuan Qiyu get along. They always do this when they meet, but they won’t be angry with each other for it.
I have to say that it is very rare for them to be born in the royal family.
"Jiu Ge, look at my lunch. I have something to do and I will leave you alone." XuanYuanQi rain looked at XuanYuanQi rain and said with a smile.
XuanYuanQi desert a look at XuanYuanQi rain this sample will know that he wants to leave him is not afraid to find a chance to whole him again.
From this point of view, I have to say that the thirteen brothers have been wiser since they haven’t seen each other for a long time, knowing that they won’t take the circuitous route by themselves and know that they have avoided themselves. Good, good, and improved.
"Okay, you go!" XuanYuanQi desert funny looking at XuanYuanQi rain said with a smile
See XuanYuanQi desert so readily agreed to his XuanYuanQi rain still feel a little unreal, some don’t believe XuanYuanQi desert will let him go so easily.
"Jiu Ge, are you telling the truth?" XuanYuanQi rain some don’t believe looking at XuanYuanQi desert consciousness inquired.
It’s funny to hear XuanYuanQi asking about the rain. Once bitten, twice shy.
Chapter 354 Something you said
XuanYuanQi rain asked after some uneasy looking at XuanYuanQi desert nervous waiting for his answer.
"Why? Thirteen, do you still want to have dinner with me? " XuanYuanQi desert a eyebrow gherardini looked at XuanYuanQi rain asks.
"No, no, no, I didn’t mean that. I’m leaving." XuanYuanQi rain repeatedly waved his hand at this word.
Say that finish XuanYuanQi rain before XuanYuanQi desert answer with wooden fish quickly left.
Looking at XuanYuanQi rain, the soles of your feet ran so fast that you couldn’t help laughing.
"Qi Mo, you are a brother. Look, the rain scares Qi Ha ha …" Si Xin looked at Xuanyuan Qi Mo with a smile on his face and said with a smile.
I don’t feel guilty when I hear Si Xin say this.
Actually XuanYuanQi desert see XuanYuanQi rain this kind of heart is not funny to think of just XuanYuanQi rain escape seems to leave this reminds XuanYuanQi desert when I was a child.
At that time, the same was true of Xuanyuan Qi’s rain. Whenever he couldn’t answer questions, he would leave for an excuse. It can be said that Xuanyuan Qi’s desert has long been used to it, and it is not surprising.
"Ha ha Si Xin laughed. Thirteen brothers and I have been so innocent since childhood." XuanYuanQi desert looked at Si Xin and explained to him.
Hearing this explanation from XuanYuanQi desert, Xin couldn’t help but observe a moment of silence in XuanYuanQi rain, who was bullied by XuanYuanQi desert since childhood. It seems that he has a younger brother’s life in his life.
It’s fate. No wonder others.
However, in Si Xin’s view, it is actually very good to get along like Xuanyuan Qimo and Xuanyuan Qiyu. At least this says a problem, that is, they have good feelings.
Otherwise, if the average person is joking, I’m afraid they would have been angry and parted ways. So it seems that the relationship between XuanYuanQi Desert and XuanYuanQi Rain is really not good.
"Hehe, Qi Mo, aren’t you afraid of his anger if you bully him like this?" Xin, looking at XuanYuanQi desert continue not afraid to ask a way.