After a row of grenades went out, the platoon leader was still the first to lean out of the corner, and then let the soldiers around him rush to the first building around the corner one by one.
But this time he seems to have miscalculated. The French machine gun roared a string of bullets to block the street. The smoke blocked the French line of sight, but he couldn’t stop the machine bullets. Several German soldiers just rushed over the corner and fell to the ground screaming.
"go on! Don’t stop! " The platoon leader shouted "One breath!"
Finally it’s your turn! Rick’s mind went blank, and the whole world was left with his own heartbeat. When he crossed the corner, he almost tripped over his companion’s body. Finally, he stumbled into the French shooting corner. Rick gulped and breathed. He didn’t come to count how many bullets passed by him just now, but he was sure that death had just passed by himself.
Is it fear or excitement? Rick quickly chose the latter in his mind. It turned out to be such an exciting thing to say hello to death.
"act quickly!" Rick greeted several soldiers who rushed over behind him and kicked him to think that he was more like a platoon leader or Jorge now, but he was no longer himself. Rough, bold and violent things that did not belong to him came to him in an instant. Is war so wonderful?
"Guys! Let’s go! Kick those French people out of the window! " Rick is completely excited and as hard to control himself as a drunk. To be exact, he has been immersed in his current role.
"What’s the matter with you?" When the platoon leader finally rushed in, he was there with Orr and Jorge.
"No, nothing!" Jorge thumped up the stairs, and Rick, who was in a crazy state, was already waiting for them in the building.
"Damn it! I lost half my people in this damn corner! " The platoon leader followed the others up the stairs with his precious Luger pistol while swearing.
"This time it’s not a fucking hotel!" Rick muttered angrily, even though he could hear him aim his rifle straight at a door.
“1……2……3!” Jorge slammed into the door, but the door of this house didn’t seem to be as strong as that of a hotel. Jorge even flew in with the door.
A figure flashed into Rick’s eyes. He moved a gun slightly and then pulled the trigger …
Half a second later, when Orr fired a shot, the French soldier in the corner was already dead ―― Rick shot him right in the head, and a rifle fell to the ground with the French hand.
Rick suddenly recovered from his former state of devotion, and it was a scene that he could not forget for a long time to deal with in such a close face-to-face and eye-to-eye shooting. This field or trench warfare had a completely different shock.
"Hey man! Nice shot! " Jorge patted the dust and Rick stayed there for a long time before he came to his senses.
"Go ahead! Guys! " He whispered and turned to another door alone.
Orr and Jorge don’t understand. They don’t follow each other.
The battlefield in Moscow is being cleaned up
The guns have gradually faded away to Moscow, an important stronghold of the Russian Revolutionary Party. The hidden revolutionary forces in Moscow are so powerful that the revolution has set off huge waves and swept the city. Just after noon, the fighting has ended. Many streets are lying with the same face. People with the same skin color and uniform fell together, and the battle was so cruel and fierce. Everyone felt chilling when they recalled it. It was almost an infantry nightmare to wave combat knives and cavalry when they lacked equipment and ammunition. A Cossack company could bring great harm to a battalion of infantry, while a whole division of Cossack cavalry was stationed in Moscow. These cavalry who ignored the revolution and life took the lives of revolutionaries without mercy, but they could not resist the trend of historical exhibition and were crushed by several revolutionaries after all.
Sovalov took a piece of bread in his right hand and a row of bombs in his left hand, and walked to the train behind the crowd. All the way, people shouted the revolutionary slogan "Overthrow the reactionary government! Establish our own government! " "The destiny of the people is in the hands of the people themselves!" "We don’t want to be slaves, we want to be masters!"
Sovalov doesn’t understand these slogans, but he feels that the government and the army are terrible now. What these people have to do is to change this terrible situation.
"Everybody hurry up! We are going to St. Petersburg to oust that stupid and arrogant emperor! " A hoarse worker leader shouted at a group of people around him and laughed.
"St. Petersburg … Emperor …" Sovalov was a little surprised, but when he saw many soldiers in military uniforms around him, his heart was a little more stable. He grabbed the bread in one bite, slammed the bolt, pressed the row of bullets into the magazine, pulled the bayonet back into the scabbard, and then carried the rifle on his back. Another worker-like man helped climb one of the carriages.
"Are young people nervous?" The middle-aged man asked just now after the train moved slowly
Sovalov shook his head and swallowed the last bit of bread "ok! Did you join the revolution very early? "
"But we are a trade union!" Middle-aged people are sitting next to the carriage, and the wind is blowing in their faces. "Our brothers and sisters are no longer oppressed, and everyone can eat and wear warm clothes. This is our revolution! Young man, what did you take part in the revolution? "
Sovalov paused. "I … joined the revolution like this, hehe!"
Middle-aged people didn’t say anything, but sorted out their weapons.
Sovalov glanced at the rifle in his hand. It was a Mosin 191 rifle, a Russian standard weapon.
In a basement in Paris, General Galliani has been wiping his poor revolver, a gun that accompanied him for half a generation, and a "good gun" that has never been fired. It will finally be used today. As the guns become denser and clearer, the general knows that there is not much time left, and he has made up his mind to fulfill his promise of Paris’s mutual death.
In a room in St. Petersburg Palace, Nicholas II is holding his queen in a chair studded with jewels. At this time, the queen is shivering. This couple may be the first and only couple in history to live in the same palace, the same room and the same bed every day, but heaven has not blessed the stability and peace of this country because of their love.
An Austro-Hungarian Coalition vanguard troops walked on a strange road in Belarus, and the Russian post did not resist much. The Russians quickly evacuated there with sparse guns. As they passed through the towns and villages, the Belarusians looked at these unwelcome guests with strange eyes, but strangely, there was no conflict between the two sides. The Austrian army was moving forward quickly and planting flags at the height of each town.
The train ride from Tusk to Moscow was just a day and a night when Russian guards and ordinary troops stationed in Tusk boarded the train in a hurry. However, the locomotive did not seem to be heading for Moscow in the northeast. In a gorgeous official residence in Tusk, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Southwest Regiment, Ivanov, was respectfully worried about how the emperor would punish him for this defeated commander, but Dagong gave him a chance to turn over completely. Naturally, a wise man like him would not refuse.
Chapter 44 The end of the road
"Wang Zidian … Wang Zidian …"
Hoffman sounds as if it were far away and just in front of him. He just slept so hard that he didn’t even have a dream.
"Prince Hall, you invited ten tank captains and ten armored commanders with the most outstanding achievements in the armored army to have dinner today. It’s already 6 o’clock and they have all arrived!" Hoffman beside Chen Tian respectfully said
"oh? It’s 6 o’clock! " When I got up in the morning, I had some numbness in my legs. He forgot when he fell asleep, probably those delicious red wines. He unconsciously sat in the chair at noon and fell asleep. When he woke up, he had an extra blanket.
Maybe it’s raining. It’s already dark outside.
"What about General mackensen and Olga School?" When Chentian turned his attention back to the room, a few staff officers in the current headquarters were still sorting out the newspaper.
"They went to patrol the camp to see it’s almost time to come back! Would you like to wash your face first? It’s indecent to take a nap like this and it’s easy to catch cold! " Hoffman said with a sincere face that the guards next to him soon brought a pot of cold water.
Chen Tian nodded his head. There is no way to take a nap in autumn with light rain.
Cold water is poured on the face. As soon as the whole person wakes up, he takes the towel and gently wipes the water drops on his face. "Is there anything new after I fall asleep?"
"Temple newspaper is a lot but nothing particularly important! Our army is still advancing step by step in Paris, and the French are still fighting to the death; Nothing has changed since Moscow was occupied by the Russian Revolutionary Party. The fighting in St. Petersburg is still fierce. The Austrian-Hungarian army of Archduke Friedrich has occupied three more towns, and the Russian army in Belarus seems to have no plans to resist! " Hoffman quickly summarized the afternoon information after Chentian. "And our Baltic fleet has arrived in the Gulf of Finland, and the Russian fleet has not moved yet!"
"We have four armored battleships, two cruisers, nine destroyers, two seaplane carriers and seven submarines, which should be enough to deal with the Russian Baltic Fleet! However, the Russian feared ships have also been built. I really hope that the Russian Revolutionary Party can control them! " Chen Tian stopped and turned around and ordered, "Wake up the Baltic Fleet and don’t let a Russian warship leave the Gulf of Finland! If the other party claims to be a Russian revolutionary party, then try to avoid exchange of fire with them and detain or expel them! "
In St. Petersburg Palace, Nicholas II paced back and forth with anxiety because his generals told him that more and more revolutionary troops were coming to St. Petersburg and might come to support the government troops, so the city was likely to fall at night.
"positions! The Black Sea Fleet has mutinied and the warships there have been controlled by the revolutionary party! " The news that an embarrassed general appeared in front of the emperor and queen was a blow to Nicholas II.
"Where is Archduke Nicholas?" The queen came to report the situation with tears in her eyes. "Let him lead troops to suppress all those revolutionary parties!"
"Back to the Queen, the Grand Duke is personally directing the revolutionary party war in the south of the city!" The general’s voice sounded a little choked. "Rebels with artillery have appeared outside the city. He begged you to take the battleship Sevastopol to Helsinki for temporary shelter!"
"God!" The queen screamed.
Guns coming from afar have never stopped from early to now, which makes Nicholas II more and more agitated. Now the news that the Black Sea Fleet announced an uprising has made his trust in the navy sink to the bottom. In case those sailors have been bought by the revolutionary party, it will be tantamount to a trap for the revolutionary party.
"I’m not going anywhere unless the archduke takes the guards to control the warships first! I don’t trust anyone but the guards now! " Nicholas II said firmly
"But the archduke he is …"
"Don’t go!" The queen suddenly cried hysterically, which is more in line with her past style.
The general is even more embarrassed than when he came.
"Alas …" Nicholas II sighed deeply. "Go and prepare! Take everything you can with you! "
Four huge warships at the neva river Pier in St. Petersburg are quietly bathed in the afterglow of the sunset. Many sailors are on guard in their own battle positions, and the guns are close to each other, which makes everyone nervous, while those loyal to the czar and those inclined to the revolution are playing their own careers
Compared with these four warships, other lonely and weak ships in the harbor are particularly conspicuous. They all have a displacement of 250,000 tons, which makes them look like a floating hill with a length of 112 meters, a width of 26 meters and a draft of 4 meters. Although the main guns are distributed in four midlines, the triple turret is arranged. Although the caliber of the main guns is small, the volley ability of the terrorist ships makes it impossible for an opponent to underestimate its 246-knot maximum navigation. However, these big guys are also amazing.
These warships are the Gangu super-class battleships of China and Russia. A total of four battleships of this class have been built, namely Gangut, Sevastopol, Petropavlovsk and Volkhov. Among them, Sevastopol has officially entered service, and the other three were originally scheduled to enter service two months later. Now, the crew is not complete, the equipment debugging has not been completed, and it is barely ready for battle.
These four battleships are actually well-known. After the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian fleet faced an extreme shortage of battleships, and only a few armored battleships were quickly outdated. In 19o6, there was a revolutionary breakthrough in design and performance. The British battleship "Fear" came out, which made the old battleships of the Russian navy even more worthless. The changes in Europe and the revolutionary exhibition of warships deeply touched the nerves of the Russians. After that, the Russian navy built these four dreaded battleships and prepared them to be equipped in the Baltic Sea. In the war, the Germans competed in the Baltic Sea.
This new type of battleship was built in 19o9 because of the inefficiency of Russian shipyard and the fact that it is a new type of warship under construction. The construction progress of the new type of battleship was very slow until 1910, because the navy was not satisfied with the strength and construction technology of the battleship under construction, and the construction of the new type of battleship was intermittent for the next two years. However, four ships of this class were launched in 1911 and sea trials were carried out. At least, Sevastopol joined the naval battle sequence when the war exploded, and the remaining three ships are expected to be in the future.
However, after the explosion of the war, the ghost submarine of the German navy almost suffocated the whole Gulf of Finland, and the warships that dared to parade around the Gulf of Finland were doomed in terms of their size. In the past two months, Russia’s Baltic Sea was hit, and the only armored battleship, two newly-launched ushakov-class coastal defense ships and a dozen small warships were sent to the bottom of the sea by German fish. Therefore, the Russian fleet will go to sea to a minimum, and the transportation line in the Gulf of Finland will be completely abandoned. Since the German Baltic Sea Sub-fleet was upgraded to the Baltic Sea Fleet in mid-September and supplemented by four armored battleships,
The harbor has been silent for the last half month, and now with the revolutionary flame approaching, the latest pride and last hope of the Russian navy is that it has to venture out of the harbor under such circumstances.
Kolchak, that captain of the Sevastopol, the brigadier general of the Russian navy, is a serious man who neve leaves a beard. the captain is a sailor, but he has a very colorful experience. He has a special liking for military career since he was a child. He gets up early every day to do gymnastics. Take a cold bath to strengthen your physique and read with relish the stories of military commanders who have made great achievements. At the age of 13, he was admitted to St. Petersburg Naval School and eagerly read various nationalities. He also knew four foreign languages, including obscure Chinese. At the age of 19, kolchak graduated with honors. At that time, scientists from all over the world became very interested in the uninhabited Arctic region and organized expeditions to investigate. At the end of 1999, kolchak received an invitation from Baron Thor, a famous Russian polar explorer, to invite him to be a hydrologist. In the summer of 1900, the icebreaker Dawn joined the Arctic expedition and anchored for Novosibirsk with Thor’s expedition. In the spring of 19o2, the expedition finally arrived in Novosibirsk, but the route to the north was blocked by the ice group. kolchak and others could return to the original route in 19o6. kolchak’s academic work Ice in the Kara Sea and the Siberian Sea won the highest award of the Russian Royal Geographical Society-the Grand Constantine Gold Medal. In 191o, he was in the Far East with the icebreaker Waigachi Island.
More importantly, kolchak is one of the few people in the navy who resolutely opposes the revolution. Once any sailor on the current ship is affected by the revolution, he will kick that person out of his own warship, so Archduke Nicholas will choose this warship to escort the czar away.
"yevgeny asked the sailors to prepare the red carpet quickly!" Kolchak told his adjutant that just half an hour ago, Archduke Nikolai boarded his warship with 1ooo auxiliary armed guards and told him that the emperor would come soon.
Kolchak felt honored by this. Although he soon found his sailors under the surveillance of the guards, even his own command room was no exception, he didn’t care too much. He thought all this should be for the emperor’s safety.